Bintan, Indonesia Itinerary

Bintan, Indonesia Itinerary

Singapore to Bintan Island Getaway

I can't stay put, I need to go somewhere and I always have this need to see the beach. Things were going according to plan because the nearest place I know is just less than 2 hours away from Singapore. I've heard from a friend how beautiful the island is with its white-sand beaches and all the fun activities. 

We were lucky to find a great deal for a 2 days 1 night trip to Bintan, Indonesia at Groupon. Everything was included in our package: ferry tickets, accommodation at Nirwana Resort Hotel and awesome activities. Let’s go! 

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Travel Tips
  • For flights, Skyscanner is excellent for comparing the best airline deals.
  • For accommodations, our family trusts for reasonable prices.

The Ferry Left Us

My friends and I took the earliest ferry bound for the island from Singapore. I decided to sleep at my friend's house so the following morning we could go together as her place is much closer to the terminal. Unfortunately, something unexpected happened as they always say "There's Always a First Time for Everything." The ferry left without us! My friends, we just laughed for a long time and then we got a little bit pissed off afterwards when everything started to sink in. 

Be Early

I guess I can't accept the fact we're late, slept over at my friends for nothing and now we have to buy another ticket for the next ferry, plus worrying at the same time if we'll be able to do all the activities we have in our package deal. It was our fault we were too relaxed about the time we totally forgot that we were not the only tourists on the island. My mood shifted after having breakfast. I was being ridiculous I think I'm getting old and grumpy or maybe I'm adapting to Singapore's mood swings. I'm glad I had a few days away from the country, that took me back on my feet and all my unreasonable temper faded away. Moral story? Be early, it gets really crazy in the terminal, especially on the weekend. Let's go!

How to get there: Singapore to Bintan

Singapore to Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal

Exit at Tanah Merah MRT (Green Line), go to Exit 2B  to the bus stop. Take Bus 35 (4 stops) to Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal.

From Singapore's Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal 
Take Bintan Resort Ferries to the island
Estimated Ferry Fare: 50 SGD (2 way ticket) , ferry ticket was included in our package
Travel time: 1 hour and 45 minutes (be there 2 hours before departure time) 

Take note there are 3 routes to Bintan Island from Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal:
Bintan Resort Ferries is from Tanah Merah to Bandar Bentan Telani.
Sindo Ferry from Tanah Merah to Tanjung Pinang and Tanah Merah to Tanjung Pinang.

There's a money changer inside the ferry terminal in Singapore if you want to change your money.

Prices may have changed.

Power outlets: are commonly type C/F, Round Two-Pin Plug, with standard voltage 230 V and frequency 50 Hz. 

Survival Terms
Toilet is the term for the bathroom/washroom
Terima Kasih means "thank you"

Welcome to Bintan

Bintan Island or Negeri Segantang Lada is an island in Indonesia located on the northern coast of the Indonesian Riau Archipelago. Nirwana offers a two-way coach transfer from the Bintan ferry terminal to the Resort so just sit back and relax. It was a relaxing ride knowing I'd be able to see a white sand beach sand again and do some exciting water sports.

Where to Stay in Bintan

Fun fact: Bintan Island will host the Ironman 70.3 for 2015.

Some of the few attractions in the resort

Welcome Drinks

On our way out of the van, sunny-filled smiles greeted us plus an ethnic Welcome Dance that made me go wild and dance with them. What a special way to make the guest feel welcome. And of course, welcome drinks were also served to ease the heat of the weather, a strawberry raspberry drink tickled our taste buds. 

Package deal

Our Groupon package includes an all-in-pass for:

* 1 round of Elephant Ride
* 1 round of Horse Ride
* 1 round of Archery
* 1 round Air Rifle Shooting
* 60mins Kayaking
* 60mins Body Board
* 60mins Table-Tennis
* 1 time Flying Fox

However we were not thoroughly informed about the Elephant Ride schedule, so next time it's really important to contact your resort activity personnel to make sure all the rides are available when you get there.

Perfect Getaway from Singapore

Indonesia is one hour late compared to Singapore. The time difference is really not that of a big deal. However, when we got to our room I wanted the bed to swallow me whole. It wasn't that extravagant but it was spacious, clean and cozy. I even adored the Indonesian paintings they have hanging on the wall.

Koi Pond

What caught my eye while roaming around Nirwana Gardens Bintan. A pathway that heads towards the activities was mesmerizing, the covered roof was beaming red and orange. I love it not only because it is one of my favorite colors but because it reminds me of Japan, it's like walking in a garden at Kyoto in the summer season. This is what I get after watching too many Anime's when I was young.

I found this big fishes swimming in the fish pond. They said a Koi can live up to 30 years and looking at the size of it, it seemed to have almost reached it's the maximum length. It was a sirene sight they were in vivid colors and somewhere even longer than my thighs. We stayed here while waiting for the shuttle bus that's taking us to our water sports activities. 

I prefer to swim around when the sun is up rather than in the evening when it's cold and gloomy. As I stepped out into the sunshine of the swimming pool I saw this ridiculous sign, oopz! Nothing beats breaking the law with a huge smile on your face. Sometimes we gotta do things that other people don't have the balls to do so however, there are limitations that should be significantly considered. This one here is just way too funny to be ignored.

Air Rifle Shooting

Search and Destroy, It's what I've always heard from war movies. We got the chance to do air rifle which is a good thing because it's part of our package. I've learned to aim and find the target, unfortunately, I never got the chance to bring down not even one of those little pieces to the ground. It's kind of intimidating knowing others have done it better. Oh well, maybe I'll do better with a bazooka big girls need big toys.

To ease up my temper I rationalized what happened: I don't have steady hands due to my working conditions or maybe it's simply because I was starving. I wasn't able to have breakfast and our lunch was just bread with century tuna. I guessed it's obvious we're on a tight budget. Learning the art of starvation for a great adventure.

Legolas Here I Come!


I was way over the air rifle so might as well try something else. Archery was our activity next in line. It's about time for Legolas to find his mate. It looked quite easy but when it was my turn and I extended my chicken wings to aim for my shot it was really hard. A challenging task that concentrates more on your arm strength. 

I've always been fascinated with Legolas, one of the characters in the movie, "The Lord of the Rings". He was an archer who seemed to dance gracefully with a bow and arrow. 

It reminded me of my childhood days when we used to play with slingshots to shoot at birds, actually, I do most of the cheering while my brother and cousins do the killing. What a barbaric reminder that I have this silent killer inside me, good thing I was fed with white sand beaches and colorful stones so I grew up sweet, spicy and everything nice.

Flying High with Flying Fox

Nirwana Gardens offers the zip-line experience or they prefer to call it the Flying Fox because a person will be suspended in the air which assumes the position of an animal called a flying fox.

We all have this dream of flying, let's say a part of your childhood you once had imagined or wanted to know the feeling of how it's up there in the sky. I guess that dream stayed with me longer and it runs along with my bloodstream through my entire existence. I had an indoor skydiving experience in Singapore I'll post it soon. It was a short ride but the adrenaline rush was still there. A net was placed on the other end to catch the rider but you have to reach for it so you will not be hanged away from the post. I bounced hard when I reached it, good thing I was barefoot so I was able to grab the net at the right place. 


Horseback Riding 

This is not the first time I've been at the back of the horse. However, it's the first time in another country so that's still considered a first. It was just a smooth ride walking along with the resort. It has a big area for horseback riding where tall coconut trees line up the sidewalk. I've read recently from a tweet that Coconut trees kill more people than sharks actually do. I don't know if that's true but better watch out for falling coconut shells.

Amazing Sunset

Fun means getting wild with the waves. I've always wanted to surf but I don't have the guts to be engulfed in the mystical silence of the water. Body Board was a good way to unleash this fear that I have. It's a wide board which allows you to float in the water. We were a bit late to catch the big waves so the instructor wasn't really able to teach us. We were just told to lie flat on our stomachs, keep floating and paddle with our hands and we're good to go.

The sunset was spectacular, its horizon never seemed the end, and it had a mysterious aura; like an ancient gathering where people waited for miracles, where worshippers offer something on the table before the sun hides away or a warrior says goodbye. 

My friend was game on capturing our silly antics as we did our stunts by the sunset. We were falling off our boards and splashing water around. It was fun to unwind and forget about our worries in a few days.

Have fun and be safe ^__^

1 comment

  1. Thank you.I've always been a traveler and I want to inspire people to go to places they have never been to,so might as well share my experiences too. =)
