What to do in Inle Lake, Myanmar

What to do in  Inle Lake, Myanmar

Top 10 Reasons to Visit Inle Lake, Myanmar

Inle Lake, the second-largest lake in Myanmar (previously known as Burma), is one of the most stunning lakes I have ever encountered. The serene blue and purple tones as fishermen cast their nets created an enchanting and unforgettable morning scene during my travels. Here, I highlight why you must not overlook this gorgeous lake in Myanmar.Let’s go! 

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  • For flights, Skyscanner is excellent for comparing the best airline deals.
  • For accommodations, our family trusts Booking.com for reasonable prices.

Inle Lake - A Must-See in Myanmar

Here are 10 reasons why you should visit Inle Lake in Myanmar:

1. Iconic Place in Myanmar

The freshwater lake is located Nyaungshwe or Nyaung Shwe in Shan State District and a part of the Shan Hills. Home of the famous floating villages, farm gardens, markets, and the traditional fishermen.  

There's an entrance fee when you get in town so prepare those kyat bills ahead of time. The money could be used for conservation and registration purposes.

  • Inle Lake Compulsory Tourist Entrance Fee: 12,500 Kyat/ 10 USD/ 10 EURO

2. Experience the Longboat tour

It's not every day that you get to ride a longboat in a beautiful lake. The most traditional way of making your way around the lake passing by floating villages and gardens. Make sure to bring a jacket with you as it gets really cold in the early morning and at the same time bring along a hat, your sunglasses, bottled water, and sunblock as the temperature changes after the sunrise, the heat will tear you down so protect your skin and hydrate yourself.

When we reached the town of Ngaung Shwe early in the morning a boat operator approached us and offered us a deal right away. If we were wide awake we could have haggled with the price. 

  • Boat Tour: 25,000 Kyat

3. Beautiful Sunrise

I'm a big fan of this gigantic ball of fire staring down at planet Earth with all its might. When I'm in a new country I would try to see the sun from different angles, despite knowing we are sharing the same sunlight around the world. However, the feel of each sunrise and sunset in new places is extremely unique in every way. 

I really adore this beautiful Inle Lake, the serenity of the calm water is a perfect match with the invigorating sunrise on the horizon.  It's not a commonplace to see the first light of the day in a lake which makes it a definite bucket list when in Myanmar. 

This image reminds me of milk somehow, I can't explain it in words. Try to get a glass of milk and taste it, and that's how weird I am, ahahaa.

4. The Unique Art of Fishing

This is definitely the number one reason to visit Inle Lake. The traditional way of fishing is so unique it will leave you mesmerized. The fishermen in Inle Lake have mastered the technique of rowing using one leg, yes you read that right, as they effortlessly balance on the edge of the boat.

5. Floating Villages

A different kind of community nestled on the banks of Inle Lake. They have approximately 14 villages situated around the lake. When we were making our way to one village I was worried when I saw the archway from afar, you will need precise boat skills here as you are just given a small passage through the bridge. They also have this in Thailand but the ones in Myanmar boast a unique factor, and that is that the village is settled quietly in a lake instead of the river. 

Wave Back

On our trip to another village, we saw long boats fully booked with passengers making their way to the mainland. The birds hover on top of their heads as the boat speeds up to their destination. Don't forget to say "Hello" and Wave back with a smile when the kids wave at you. You are entering their water world, a place different from where you are used to, be kind and humble to say grace to their welcoming hearts.

6. Farm Gardens

Unique Agricultural Farming: This is the only farm I've seen in a lake. The farmers get on their boats and rows from here and there to cultivate the land and to take a look at their produce. 

7. Silk, Metal, and Silver Shophouse

Check out the villager's workplace and hand-made products. Everything is well made so bring along kyat bills to purchase some of the items. 

I personally love the silk factory. Love and dedication are seen in their products. The old folks of Inle Lake still have the magic in their hands to create such beautiful silk tops, scarves, and more. Seeing the authenticity of the products makes sense as to why they sell the items at a higher price. 

8. Pagoda in the Lake

Explore the  Hpaung Daw Oo or Phaung Daw Oo, a pagoda that can only be reached by boat in Inle Lake. It houses 5 Buddhas in its monastery, they said every year around the end of September or the early week of October they have this festival where the Buddhas are placed in a golden barge and conveyed to all 14 villages followed by devotees on a boat.

9. Lake Store

Another favorite of mine is passing by this unique store in the village. It reminded me of the Philippine's "sari-sari store" or "convenience store" in English. I excitedly pointed at it like a little kid who just spotted an ice cream truck. I find this truly amusing to be rowing to a store and buying some stuff then rowing back home again. I bet the villagers here have fine, strong upper arm muscles while the fishermen have those metal block-like calves they got from rowing the whole day. A town with herculean characteristics hiding from the chaos of the world.

10. Unforgettable Feeling

Lastly, it's not just about the scenery and the unique environment. It's seeing right before your very eyes the simplicity of their life. The calmness they feel with every stroke they put their stride on in the waters. How the birds joyously walk on water like it's a normal thing for a bird to be doing. The mysterious mist in the morning, how it all clears up when the sun shows up in the morning light. All can be explained in science but the human heart knows a deeper sense of wisdom. It's our connection with nature.

I haven't traveled to Africa where the river talks to people in some way but I have cultivated my wanderlust soul to have an intimate relationship with nature. Seeing how people love Inle Lake makes me feel happy that people and nature are intertwined beautifully. Carbon to Carbon. I feel like mentioning the compound as we are all and should be working hand in hand with nature. 

Inle Lake is a must-see when in Myanmar. Make sure to visit the lake when you're in town and experience its magical beauty. 

Check out the whole trip here: What to do in Myanmar

Have fun and be safe ^__^

Do you want more adventure?
If you still have one more day to spare why not go to Bagan and see Myanmar's Land of Thousand Pagodas.

Where am I going next?

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