What to Love about Canada

What to Love about Canada

10 Things I Love About Canada

I'm starting to miss the tropical breeze of Asia. It's been a month since I've moved to Canada. The cold weather is something I've never thought I'd experience except for summit climbs in the mountains or maybe a few days trip in cold countries. But to stay longer than a month was really unexpected. Canada has never been on my list, as usual, I always end up in places I don't expect to be. I hope I've made the right decision this time around. I'm still contemplating what made me want to move from a tropical country to one of the coldest places on earth. From Palm trees to Pine trees. From 32 degrees to negative degrees. Let’s go! 

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Travel Tips
  • For flights, Skyscanner is excellent for comparing the best airline deals.
  • For accommodations, our family trusts Booking.com for reasonable prices.

A whole new world

A drastic change from what I'm used to. However, I've noticed how Coffee with a half cup of Hot Chocolate kept me sane all this time. It has been my companion, my friend, and a comfort blanket. It's hard to stay positive when you don't know what the heck you're doing, and being away from family and friends makes it even harder. I haven't really got the time to explore the Niagara Region. I've seen the famous Niagara Falls during the day and at night this winter season. Other than that I've simply had my coffee with a half cup of hot chocolate with 10 songs of replay regularly. Despite the changes, I believe that in every situation I need to look at the bright side so I've listed a few things I love about Canada. 

1. Coffee with a half cup of Hot Chocolate 

I've noticed how Canadians love their coffee. They have their own Starbucks here and that's Tim Hortons. I love having the hot chocolate drink with fruit explosion muffin, the best match for a rainy day, even more for the winter season. 

2. Endless Pine Trees

I haven't done any hiking yet but I love walking around pine trees. Tall and silent. These trees see first whatever is up there, a clear view of the horizon, and all the groundwork. 

3. Heavy Snow 

I'm not really a fan of snow but it's a beautiful season in its own way. I love how it looks so lovely when it covers all the houses, the trees, and the roads with its powdered form. I grew up just watching snow on TV or seeing it in books, having to see it every day now reminds me of my childhood fantasies. 

4. Courteous People

Canadians have this automated response of asking people how they are, even constant repetitions of saying please and thank you. I like it. It makes me smile whenever I take the bus, order food, and make my exit. 

5. Natural Environment

I've seen Niagara Falls, the international border of Canada, and the United States. Majestically Beautiful. You've got to see it to believe its grandiosity. The scenery here is splendid. Perfect at every angle. I can't wait to get my hiking shoes on and experience the summit climbs. 

6. Chicken Wings

Canadian's love for chicken wings is unmistakable. Every Wednesday we go to this specific restaurant in Niagara Falls that serves 2 CAD for 10 chicken wings. Normally the price is around 10 CAD except every third day of the week. I always have two orders: 10 honey garlic chicken wings and 10 barbecue chicken wings of cajun flavour. I'm not a fan of their spicy flavour because of the sour taste that comes along with it. 

7. Wine

There are a lot of wineries in Niagara on the Lake area. Hectares of vineyards fill the open space. I told myself that I'll try to limit my coffee and hot chocolate intake instead I'll have a sip of wine at night. It actually promotes sleep and is good for the heart. Maybe I'll do this next month. 

8. Bus wait times

Most people would say this should not be on my list, I do too. However, I'm starting to appreciate the patience I get out of it. I just have to stop comparing the transportation service here to Singapore. Working in Singapore has taught me the art of always being in a hurry. Even thou I tried to keep my pace at ease there, needless to say, everyone will get tied up to its fast-paced environment. People will drag you to the train station, like a leaf streaming on a riverbank. Act like a salmon fish and you'll only get pain and frustration. Here in Canada, I'm being taught the value of staying still and keeping it cool, literally cool. 

9. Walking

I love walking in my neighbourhood. Even back home in the Philippines, I had endless walks in the mall, at school, and during festivals. In Singapore, It's normal to walk around 10 minutes to 30 minutes to get to your place despite the Google Maps two-minute walk display. It's quite the same here in Canada. There are specific bus stops too and if you live 3 more blocks away then all you've got to do is walk home. Due to my limited amount of patience, I get to do a lot of walking here especially when I'm downtown and my bus arrives in 30 minutes. I might just walk home instead of waiting for it. 

10. Dollarama 

The cheapest store in Canada. Everything is here from food to clothing accessories, stationaries, household items, and even laundry stuff. I like buying stuff here as it's guilt-free and cheap. 

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