How to get to Eaton Canyon Waterfalls, California

How to get to Eaton Canyon Waterfalls California

Winter Hike in California

I've always been a city girl, I love transportation convenience and efficient ways of finding my way through Google Maps. However, there's always this interesting feeling of being with nature and getting lost in its beauty: hopping from one stone to another, crossing a river, and walking on dirt roads. To feed this desirable curiosity for the great outdoors my husband decided to introduce me to one of his few hikes in California. 

The place we're heading to is the Eaton Canyon Waterfalls trail. It's a beginner hiker's playground where you get to play with dusty paths, river trails, balancing acts, and finishing a 1-liter bottle of water under the heat of the sun. We hiked in winter, I'm happy to say it's unlike Canada where you have to fight snowstorms and Mr. Big Foot, it's a breezy, easy hike: not too cold not too warm, just perfect. Let’s go! 

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Travel Tips
  • For flights, Skyscanner is excellent for comparing the best airline deals.
  • For accommodations, our family trusts for reasonable prices.

How to get there 

Eaton Canyon Natural Area Park and Nature Center
Location: 1750 N Altadena Dr, Pasadena, CA 91107 
Opening Hours:  Sunrise- Sunset
Entrance fee: Free
Parking: Free

Distance: 3.5 miles (back and forth)
Elevation: 436 feet
Duration: 3 hours and 30 minutes (back and forth, depending on pace)
Highlights: 40-foot tall waterfall

We started our hike from the Eaton Canyon Natural Area Park and Nature Center where we emptied our bladders and off to the beautiful waterfall. It started flat and easy however there's a little bit of a challenge when you get to cross the little rivers. I mean small kids were able to do it, for sure adults will have no problems at all. Just be careful and bring some spare socks, slippers, a shirt, underwear, pants, and a small towel if you can. As they say, better be prepared than sorry.

  • When you see this sign, go left!

Once you see this sign, refer to the image above, you're on the right track. It's always advisable to start your day early as the air is cooler and the heat is bearable. And in that way, you have plenty of time to get lost and find your way back before sunset. We got a little bit lost, bypassed the sign, and went on the side track down the path. It wasn't that far from the sign but it would have been easier if we'd found it earlier. Keep your eyes open and you won't get lost.

Follow the trail, and be careful crossing the small rivers, some tree logs move, some stones are slippery and if you ever doubt your capabilities you'll never reach the other side. Take it easy, enjoy what you see and let the adrenaline take over

I had a blast my husband and I were having so much fun balancing and creating faces as we made our way to the falls. We found our own shortcuts, as long as you keep yourself on the trail you'll be fine.

We love this rock, my husband took a picture of a couple here on this very rock a few years ago, which sparked my curiosity to see this wonderful place. I never knew California held such beautiful wonders. I'm pretty excited to see more of this in summer, I bet there's more, unexplored and "not Instagram" famous yet all around the state.

There are plenty of places to shoot beautiful images too. We took turns getting the shots we loved, hiding from a bush, or all the way down to the water to get new perspective shots. 

Funny thing, we had one epic fail moment my husband wanted to show off how a gentleman treats a lady even in a really hard situation while crossing a river. One foot stepped on the wrong rock and splatters of water came to life. This daring man balances on a small gem for support and slowly gazes at his woman with a grin. One grey sock offered himself to the waters to save this man from humiliation, a worthy sock to be remembered. My husband claimed himself in seconds, laughed nervously, and hiked like he had two dry, comfortable socks and a pair of dry shoes. The lady had some splashes of water which she indeed enjoyed and a little tiny bit of water in her shoes. Thus, a spare of socks would have been nice that is neatly placed at the back of the car.

We made it and that's all that matters. Ensure there are no lost articles and no trash behind. Always make sure to leave nothing behind except happy memories and a gazillion of pictures for your Google photos; and among those selections, post one or two images on Instagram to feed your social media attendance in this digital world.

It's a great feeling to be detached from the online world for a few hours, to rewire yourself, and to see something truly green around you. I love it and I recommend more human beings do it too. Sometimes we don't get to appreciate life anymore because we're too busy admiring someone else's life, sad reality and people should do something about it. Just get out and do your adventures. My husband and I have this sign at home " Do things that make you happy," it doesn't have to be a trip or a hike, just something different, be creative and I hope we all find our way in this technological crazy era of humankind.

We started early in the morning and finished just right after lunchtime. Good thing, we packed some sandwiches and fruits for our hike and simply ate at the back of our car. 

Overall, It was a great hike to Eaton Canyon Waterfalls, a hidden gem of California. People think it's all about just Hollywood and the city but beyond those borders lies a more beautiful place to see. 

Need some nom noms? 

Have fun and be safe ^__^

Do you want more adventure?
If you still have one more day to spare why not go to Lake Balboa Park and watch the sunset (and ducks), California.

Where am I going next?
My next adventure is to check out the Hollywood Sign in Los Angeles, California.

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