How to get to Lake Balboa Park, Los Angeles, California

How to get to Lake Balboa Park, Los Angeles, California

 Sunset at Lake Balboa Park

It's been an epic journey from working in Singapore to studying and working in Canada and now finally living here in Los Angeles, California. I'm still adjusting just like wearing new shoes and running with it for the first time. Everything is new, fresh, untouchable more like a newfound place where you seem kind of lost everywhere you go. Exciting and frightening. It's always a mixture of emotions when moving to a new country after being spoiled with the splendors of the other for being so familiar with the city's secrets. 

This move has been challenging, once again leaving my newfound family and friends, and now starting all over again. It always feels that way, an ingredient to moving out of the familiarity and making new beginnings. I'm lucky enough that I'm going through this not-so-comfortable phase of my life with strong moral support from my dear husband. 
Let’s go! 

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Travel Tips
  • For flights, Skyscanner is excellent for comparing the best airline deals.
  • For accommodations, our family trusts for reasonable prices.

How to get there

Location: 6300 Balboa Blvd., Van Nuys, Los Angeles, California 91406
Opening Hours: Sunrise to Sunset
Entrance fee: Free
Parking: Free 

The stress and pressure of daily living knock off the life inside someone's core after being exposed to a new environment. To avoid this kind of emotion I surrender myself to nature. Let the natural healing of nature get into your mind and soul. Allow the air to go through your nerves and let the rays of sunshine pierce through the shadow that envelopes around you.

My place is near a park named Lake Balboa Park. I love being with nature, and knowing it was just a few miles from home made me happy. I have an adorable husband who knows my deep longing for fresh air, trees, hikes, and sunsets. We got there late with just enough light for a breezy cycling afternoon. My tires were not cooperating that day, the back tire gave up before we even started. But that didn't stop me from cycling around the park, the bicycle just had to keep itself cool as my feet struggled with every pedal. It's winter in California for the month of January, just cold wind and low temperature, while on the other side of the globe, my friends are enjoying their time at home with a snowstorm alert outside their windows. I felt blessed with a wink in my eye and a shy grin, thou I missed my friends dearly and I wish them all the best.


After we made a circle around the park my bicycle just had to say no more, the torturous exercise plus bystanders shouting to add more air to the tires was just no help at all. I went back to my trusted feet to carry out the journey as the day started to fade away. 

Ducks were everywhere in the lake, it's perfectly situated in the middle of the park so everyone can make a roundabout to see everything it has to offer. There were barbecue pits, a children's playground, a picnic table, a jogging path, a fishing area, bike rentals, and restrooms too. It's a wonderful place to spend some time alone, with your special someone, family, and friends.

As the sky changed from red to orange, purple to pink, or the other way around, as long the colors changed. I thought about how light moves, how colors dance, and how beautiful to see such an amazing sunset right in the park. Some people would go high in the mountains or drive far to the beach to see such amazing colors. The funny thing is I'm actually one of those people, it's different when you're out there I tell you; but sometimes I seem to forget that this can happen in nearby places too just like this park. Simple and beautiful. 

Sunset can happen really fast, a few seconds red then orange then gone. You can't blink an eye unless you're kissing someone by your side, another wink in my eye, and a shy grin. It was a lovely way to end the day, an amazing sunset and a warm hand holding by. I guess I'm a little bit braver now to see a different chapter of my life in the City of Angels, the famous city of Los Angeles in California. 

Have fun and be safe ^__^

Do you want more adventure?
If you have time try to read our Survival Guide in Los Angeles, California.

Where am I going next?
My next adventure is to Hike Eaton Canyon Falls in Pasadena, California.

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