Path of the Gods Hike, Bomerano, Italy

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano

Hiking from Heaven to Earth: Path of the Gods in Italy 

The southern part of Italy does not only boast beautiful beaches but amazing cliffside hikes up in the mountains. The Path of the Gods is located in the village of Bomerano in the municipality of Aregola. It is situated close to Amalfi Coast which makes it a perfect hiking destination for a day.

We have already explored the town of Amalfi Coast, took a boat tour to Capri Island and now the mountains are calling and we have to go. L
et’s go! 

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Travel Tips
  • For flights, Skyscanner is excellent for comparing the best airline deals.
  • For accommodations, our family trusts for reasonable prices.

Bus and Car Tips: Better View

From Sorrento south to Positano and Amalfi, try to sit on the right side of the vehicle or bus to see the beautiful Mediterranean Sea and the coastal houses. And when travelling north, sit on the left side.

October 21 - 24

Monday, October 21 - Morning arrival
Address: G. Augustariccio 14, 84011 Amalfi, Italy
4 days 3 nights
Next Destination: Rome, Italy

We love Hotel La Pergola for its great location, cleanliness, and genuine staff service. The owner greets everyone with a smile and the staff are knowledgeable about anything you can think of whether it's the bus timings, location, and activities.

What to do in Amalfi Coast, Italy

The night train from Siena to Amalfi Coast was tiring. We checked in early at Hotel La Pergola and I almost cried with happiness as they welcomed us with open arms. They even served us the most sumptuous breakfast salad I've ever had. I don't know if it was the fatigue or the hunger talking that morning but my heart was pleased with joy and love for such a wonderful welcome. And yes wine for breakfast with all the love of Italy in each bottle.

How to go around Amalfi Coast by Bus Service

In Amalfi Coast City Centre, some buses go to different towns.  Ask your hotel about bus times. 

Always make sure to buy your tickets at your hotel ahead of time or at the bus station.  It’s best to buy them the day before so you can patiently wait for the bus instead of rushing back to its pickup site.

Buy your bus tickets in advance from bars or small shops. These bus tickets are sold at "tabaccherie" (cigarette shops), newspaper stands, bars, and cafés. 

Reminders: Tickets can't be purchased onboard the bus. There are no ticket kiosks at the bus stops. Bus tickets must be stamped on board or torn by the driver.

Bus fare: 1.30 euros

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano 

Distance: 5 miles or 7 kilometres (from Bomerano to Nocelle, plus a flight of stairs approximately 1,500 steps down to Positano).
Duration: 3-5 hours, depending on pace.

From Piazza Paolo Capasso

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano

From Amalfi Coast Bus Terminal we took a bus to Bomerano or Aregola. Make sure the driver knows to drop you off at Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods. At the drop-off point, we needed to figure out where to go good thing we found fellow hikers headed to the same route. 

Look for Piazza Paolo Capasso, from there you'll find a few coffee shops, a hike rental shop, and this sign that leads you to the trail. We bought a cappuccino so we could use the restroom before we started the hike.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
Follow the sign to Sentiero degli Dei.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
A small sign on the side of the road after the flight of stairs.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
It starts with a paved road, a great way to warm up those calve muscles.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
From here you can already see the beauty of the mountains. We had a full breakfast and were all pumped up for this hike.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
This is where the dirt path starts. Try to wear appropriate shoes for this hike for good ankle support.

Always look for Signs: Do not get lost

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
Try not to get lost. Look for fellow hikers along the trail.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
The amazing Mediterranean Sea is out in the open with the sun shining brightly warming us for the day.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
Try to notice the red mark stones along the path which reassures you're on the right trail.

Take note of the Arrow Signs

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
We saw stone houses along the way. From this point, you'll find a post that says Agerola, Bomerano with an arrow sign.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
Then another arrow sign that says Positano, Praiano, and Nocelle.

Welcome to the Path of the Gods in Bomerano

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
Behold! The Path of the Gods.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
Stop and Stare.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
Here I am all smiles admiring the captivating cliffs of the peninsula.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
The hypnotic roads of the coast make you salute the drivers of this small town.

Break time for snacks and water

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
Make sure to take breaks and simply admire the view. 

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
It's not a race, take it all in and drink some water too.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
There is not much shade in this trail, equip yourself with sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat for sun protection.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
It's not a beginner's hike but we saw a lot of hikers of all ages. 

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
Surprisingly, we saw a cat along the path. Simply chillin' out and enjoying the view. We really took our time with this hike and took lots of photos.

Follow the arrow sign that says Sentiero degli Dei

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
Before reaching this point, you'll find a paved path and follow the arrow sign that says Sentiero degli Dei.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
I think this is the only part of the trail that has a series of trees providing shade.

Make sure to follow the arrow sign

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
Follow the arrow sign that points to the towns of Nocelle, Montepertuso, and Positano.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
It's nice to know that they place an emergency number here, in that way fellow hikers will know what number to call.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
And here we are out in the open once again.

Arrived at Nocelle

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
Arrived at Nocelle in one piece. We didn't stop here as we planned to visit the town of Positano and have lunch there.

Get ready for 1,500 steps down to Positano

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
This by far is the most challenging part of the hike taking 1,500 agonizing steps to Positano. We had to stop several times here as it puts so much pressure on the knees and the calve muscles.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano
We continued taking the stairs that led to Positano Centro.

How to get there: Hike Sentiero degli Dei or Path of the Gods in Bomerano

Finally! Touchdown to Positano. You have two options from this point: wait for the bus along the street (if you have purchased a bus ticket ahead of time) or walk to Positano Centro. We did the second option as the bus took forever, and our stomachs called out for food.

Also, take a look at "Must-Have Travel Planner for Travelers"The planner also serves as a keepsake of your trip, allowing you to look back on your adventures and relive the memories. Whether you're an experienced traveller or new to exploring the world, a travel planner can help ensure that you have a smooth and enjoyable journey.

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