The COVID Pandemic started my great journey to loving indoor houseplants. Aside from growing up with more than twenty houseplants in the Philippines. Yes, my mum was a plant hoarder, and yes she has a green thumb and I have lived most of my days with clean air thanks to the army of plants in our house. I guess the pandemic was a good trigger for my dormant love for houseplants. Nature always has its way with my heart and now that I'm a plant mum I feel closer to her, and my mum too.
I've also realized how my plants are native to different countries. My plants have shown me a unique way of traveling inside my home. I'm not going crazy but this thought has entertained my wanderlust soul to travel in a non-typical way. Stay-at-home tips, Let’s go!
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- For accommodations, our family trusts for reasonable prices.
- Organize your trips easily with a Travel Planner.
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Fasten your seatbelts!
The plant queen of my life, none other than my mum mentioned to me about research conducted by NASA. She said the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) made a project called NASA Clean Air Study. A study where they find ways to clean the air from the space station. They have discovered that houseplants not only absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen but also have the power to remove or filter organic pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene in the air. How cool is that? I'm always amazed where my mum gets her stories but she was right, as they said, Mother's know's best.
I will show you my air-filtering, low-maintenance houseplants, the country they came from, and some indoor plant care tips for keeping them alive.
1. Peace Lily
Scientific Name: Spathiphyllum
First stop is native to the tropical regions of the Americas like Colombia and Venezuela and the Southeastern part of Asia. The peace lily started it all. I was told by the plant queen if I'm getting a houseplant it should be a peace lily. I haven't been to South America, but by the looks of it the Peace Lily gives me a slight feel to its motherland, moist like its tropical gardens, a little bit shady in some areas and definitely a beautiful country just like the Peace Lily.
Sunlight: Prefers light partial shade
Water: Once a week keep the soil moist. The leaves sags a bit when it needs water which basically tells you it needs some water.
Warning Signs:
a. Brown leaves or streaks mean too much direct sunlight. Try placing the plant on the north or west side of your room with windows.
b. If leaves are crisp, curling, and with brown tips also means too much sunlight exposure.
c. Yellowing leaves means the light is too strong.
d. Brown tips mean irrigation problem, it could be too much or too little water.
It's like having a small tree inside your house.
2. Dwarf Jade Plant
Scientific Name: Portulacaria Afra
Second stop is a native plant found in South Africa. It is also known as Elephant Bush, Porkbush and Spekboom. This plant serves as elephant food in this country. Can you imagine a giant elephant rushing to your house to grab a snack? - that would be a whirlwind adventure.
I have mistaken this plant for the Jade Plant scientifically known as Crassula ovate, as they have the same name and the same looks, people should have classified them better with different names. One way to find out is to look at the stem, the Dwarf Jade Plant /Portulacaria Afra has a reddish stem compared to the jade Plant/Crassula ovate.
Sunlight: Indirect sunlight
Water: Water sparingly. Make sure the topsoil is dry before watering
Warning Signs:
a. Leaves dropping off means too much bright light
b. Leaves wrinkling means time to water.
You can't kill this plant! Period. I say, "You haven't met me yet!"
3. Snake Plant
Scientific Name: Sansevieria trifasciata
Third stop is a native of West Africa. This plant is also called the mother-in-law's tongue, I don't know about you guys but I'm lucky my husband's mum is nice to me. I've never thought about traveling to Africa but I have always wanted to volunteer or perhaps join an organization to help out the depressed areas in the country. My mum told me I could never kill this plant but I overwatered it, my husband pressed the soil too much that it was too compact for the soil to dry, and thus killed the most notorious plant in history. However, we were able to save one leaf, it was sad and funny a the same time to look at it in the corner of our house. The only soldier who made it alive amidst the dangers of human brutality. We had to keep it alive as this is on the top list of air-filtering plants for the house and it was my mother-in-law's housewarming gift to us - oh my! I hope things don't change after this catastrophe.
Sunlight: Low light, indirect sunlight and even full sunlight
Water: Water sparingly, make sure the topsoil is dry before watering. I didn't water mine for 2-3 weeks and it was still alive, beat that Lily!
Warning Signs:
a. The soil must never be soggy as the base of the plant becomes soggy and soft and the leaf will start leaning to its side. I learned my lesson the hard way and I started losing some of my snake plants. Never overwater and make sure to use a good water-draining soil mix.
These are the lap dogs of the plant world.
4. Succulents
I have four succulents with the scientific name of Crassula perforata, Aeonium stripe, Purple Echeveria and the fourth one is still unknown.
Fourth stop is native to desert areas like Africa, Central America, the European Alps, South America, and South Africa. A desert area reminds me of running on Sand Dunes in Vietnam, a wonderful travel memory with my mum.
Anyway, these babies are adorable even though they need lots of light which I can't provide in our house and so I have to put them outside every day and then take them back in after I get home, I still love the way they are.
Sunlight: Loves light and needs about four to six hours of sun per day. Newly planted baby succulents need shade with a sheer curtain. I don't have that much light in our house so I placed them outside the door behind my bamboo curtain the whole day, my husband doesn't like this part of the task of taking care of them.
Water: Less water is better, water it once a week or more than a week. Soak the soil. Do not mist or use spray water bottles as they will cause brittle roots and moldy leaves.
5. Dumb Canes
Scientific Name: Dieffenbachia Maculata 'Camille'
Fifth stop is a native of the Caribbean and South America. This is exciting as I've never been to the Caribbean and I've always dreamed of swimming in the ocean. Those turquoise waters are live heaven on earth, absolutely beautiful!
Sunlight: It needs medium light or partial shade
Water: Water regularly, and keep the soil moist, but not soggy. Make sure the soil is dry an inch down before watering.
Warning Signs:
a. Droopy leaves can be caused by too little water.
b. Leaves droop and fall without yellowing first means too much cold exposure. Normally, the lowest leaves turn yellow as part of their growth cycle. Brown bottom leaves are normal, snip them off.
b. Leaves droop and fall without yellowing first means too much cold exposure. Normally, the lowest leaves turn yellow as part of their growth cycle. Brown bottom leaves are normal, snip them off.
c. Brown tips mean uneven watering. Make sure to never let your plant sit in water.
d. Curled, browning leaves mean excessive fertilizer application.
6. Chinese Evergreen 'Spring Snow'
Scientific Name: Aglaonema
Sixth stop is a native of the tropics and subtropics of Asia. Most of my unforgettable travels are in Asia. The continent boasts so much beauty. I even made an interview-like post about it with my travel buddy. We talked about our best backpacking travels in Asia and the best memories we had together. What I love about this plant is that it thrives both in low light and even bright light. For such a beautiful plant it doesn't need that much attention.
Sixth stop is a native of the tropics and subtropics of Asia. Most of my unforgettable travels are in Asia. The continent boasts so much beauty. I even made an interview-like post about it with my travel buddy. We talked about our best backpacking travels in Asia and the best memories we had together. What I love about this plant is that it thrives both in low light and even bright light. For such a beautiful plant it doesn't need that much attention.
Sunlight: Low levels of light
Water: Water regularly, and keep the soil moist but not soggy. They said you can water once every few weeks but I water mine after more than a week.
Warning Signs:
Also called the "Eternal Plant" as it can survive dry conditions and needs low levels of light.
7. ZZ Plants
Scientific Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Seventh stop is a native of the Southern part of Kenya to the northeastern part of South Africa. This is one of the easiest houseplants to take care of in the face of the planet.
Sunlight: Low levels of light, but it's best to avoid direct sunlight.
Water: Water sparingly, make sure topsoil is dry before watering
Sunlight: Low levels of light, but it's best to avoid direct sunlight.
Water: Water sparingly, make sure topsoil is dry before watering
a. Leaves start to drop off means underwatered.
b. Yellow leaves and falling off means overwatered.
This plant is flexible, you can hang it or have it in a pot.
8. Golden Pothos
Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureumEight stop is native to the Solomon Islands and some parts of Southeast Asia. A pristine island located in the South Pacific. The island's white-sand beaches remind me of the Philippines there's this very small island in Cebu called "Sumilon Island" the island that started this blog of mine.
Sunlight: Loves medium to low indirect light
Water: Once a week make sure to allow the first inch of potting mix to dry out before watering. This plant thrives better in dry soil than being soaked with water.
9. Corn Plant
Scientific Name: Dracaena Fragrans 'Massangeana'
Ninth and last stop is native to the regions of Africa. My mum calls this plant a "fortune plant" as it's commonly used in the Philippines for Feng Shui purposes. They said you're lucky if the corn plant produces flowers as it rarely blooms.
Sunlight: Bright but indirect light.
Water: It needs less water than most indoor plants. Make sure to use filtered water as the plant is sensitive to chemicals.
Warning Signs:
Drooping or yellowing leaves mean overwatered or poor drainage.
Hunting for my next one. Right now my babies are doing great and I'm keeping my plant-hoarding persona in the closet, ahahaa.
A few weeks later...
I have more plant babies to share! My family has grown once again.
No need for soil, talking about less maintenance eh?!
10. Air Plant
Scientific Name: Tillandsia Stricta ‘Stiff Purple’
Tenth Stop is a native to Mexico and the Southeast side of the United States. I'm amazed at how these plants can thrive in long periods of less water or no water at all.
Sunlight: Bright indirect sunlight.
Water: Water-loving. Mist 3-4 times a week or soak twice a week, depending on the weather. Soak in a bowl of water for 10-30 minutes each time.
Warning Signs:
Leaves begin to curl means they need water and some spritz of water once a week in addition to soaking.
This is succulent but less light-demanding.
11. Zebra Plant/Haworthia
Scientific Name: Haworthiopsis Attenuata
Eleventh stop is a native to South Africa. Some people have mistaken them for an aloe vera plant but they're completely different and this plant is not a cactus too.
Sunlight: Low light to bright indirect light.
Water: Water when their soil is completely dried out and their leaves start to curl (about every two to three weeks).
Warning Signs:
a. Deep red color means it is stressed and it's getting too much sunlight.
b. Leaves turning white and drying up also means too much sun.
My first hybrid plant! I feel so cool right now!
12. Ivy Tree
Scientific Name: Fatshedera Lizei
Twelveth stop is a "botanical wonder" made from Lize Freres tree nursery in France in 1912. A cool fact about this plant is that it's a hybrid cross between two genera: the English ivy (Hedera) and Fatsia japonica.
Sunlight: Low to medium, indirect light.
Water: Regular watering to keep the soil moist, but not soppy or saturated for long periods of time.
Warning Signs:
a. Leaves dropping means overwatered. Leaves turning yellow means too much sunlight.
b. Leaves turning brown and leaving dropping means the air is dry.
Hubby's favorite!
13. Song of India
Scientific Name: Dracaena Reflixa
Thirteenth stop is a native to the nearby islands of the Indian Ocean: Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius. This plant will be a challenge as our place can't provide high lighting conditions, so let's see how it goes.
Sunlight: Medium to High light
Water: Keep the soil slightly moist at all times and in the winter allow the soil to dry.
Warning Signs:
a. Leaves turning yellow means the soil is too dry.
b. Leaves turning yellow/brown and cane being mushy means the soil is too wet.
c. Leaves with brown tips mean the air is dry.
My first plant gift and I hope and pray it stays.
14. Peperomia Ginny
Scientific Name: Peperomia clusiifolia 'Rainbow'
Fourteenth stop is a native of Central America and South America. My husband's coworker thought we'll be able to nurse this Ginny plant back to life. A very sweet and kind gesture that inspires me to make sure it stays healthy.
Sunlight: Low to medium light and adapts well to fluorescent lighting.
Water: Enjoys water and is drought-tolerant as its leaves can hold water. Allow the soil to completely dry out between watering. Water weekly, depending on the temperature and season.
Warning Signs:
Leaves drooping and limping mean underwatered.

Looks like a small pineapple plant to me!
15. Dracaena "Janet Craig"
Scientific name: Dracaena Compacta
Fifteenth stop is a native of Southeast Africa. They say green-leafed foliage plants need less light and that's why I choose you Janet! Welcome to the family!
Sunlight: Medium to bright indirect sunlight.
Water: Every 10-14 days, let the soil dry between waterings.

This plant absolutely gives out tropical vibes!
16. Parlour Plant
Scientific name: Chamaedorea Elegans
Sixteenth stop is a native of Southern Mexico and Guatemala. This plant definitely reminds me of the Philippines, my mum has this indoor plant and it's almost the same height as me.
Sunlight: Medium to bright indirect light, can tolerate low indirect light.
Water: Every 1-2 weeks. Make sure to let the soil dry out between waterings. Increase watering with increased sunlight exposure.
The Queen has arrived!
17. Fiddle Leaf Fig
Scientific Name: Ficus Lyrata
Seventeenth stop is a native of western Africa. What's exciting about this plant is its enormous leaf size and the fact that we can grow it indoors.
Sunlight: Prefer lots of bright, filtered light. Keep near a sunny, east-facing window.
Water: Check the top inch of the soil if it's dry, however, this plant is in a big pot so also check the bottom hole if the soil is dry. Ensure that the soil does not stick to your finger as it means the bottom soil is dry and ready for watering.
Warning Signs:
Brown edges can mean your tree is overwatered, while brown spots can mean it is underwatered.
This plant got us so hype!
1. Keep it out of reach of children and pets. I try to keep in mind all houseplants are poisonous even if they're not, just to keep simple.
2. Well-draining soil needs draining holes. Keep it simple again. Buy pots with drainage holes to avoid overwatering and root rot.
3. Indoor plants need indirect light, they got the name indoor plants for a reason. The leaves get a sunburn if the light is too bright or shines directly on the plant.
4. Every time you do your house rounds simply rotate the plant regularly. As it will provide adequate sunlight to all sides of the plant and prevent the leaves from reaching the light on one side.
5. Make sure to use filtered or purified water. Indoor plants are sensitive to fluoride, which is found in tap water. I used filtered water from our Brita water pitcher, whatever we drink my babies get it too. If you notice dark brown and dead areas with yellow edges on your plant it may indicate fluoride toxicity. I learned my lesson when I watered my peace lily with tap water and I saw the effects instantly the next day.
6. Control yourself human! Overwatering is a common issue in caring for houseplants. Allow the plant's top layer of soil to dry out between watering. This is the most important thing to remember as overwatering will lead to root rot.
8. Take note that some houseplants are dormant in the winter season and do not need to be watered.
9. Don't worry too much if your plant's bottom leaves begin to turn yellow and fall it is part of the growth cycle. Simply remove the drooping leaves as part of your regular routine.
10. Make sure to remove dead leaves to avoid attracting bugs and promote growth. Check the leaves as they attract spider mites, scale, mealybugs, and aphids.
Have fun and be safe ^__^
Do you want more adventure?
Check out Europe for 2 weeks: Art Class in Paris, France then getting on a Hot air balloon ride at Siena, Italy, and relaxing by the beach at Amalfi, Coast with a side trip to Rome, Italy before flying back home.
Where am I going next?
My next adventure is Spelunking at Cave of Munits in West Hills, California.
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