Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train

How To Get from Kawaguchiko to Tokyo

This comprehensive guide explains how to travel by train from Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo Station. There are few resources on this topic, and navigating with a toddler during winter can be quite challenging. Hopefully, this guide will provide valuable insights for your journey. Let’s go! 

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Travel Tips
  • For flights, Skyscanner is excellent for comparing the best airline deals.
  • For accommodations, our family trusts Booking.com for reasonable prices.

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train

From Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo Station

  • We purchased our train tickets online in advance, eliminating the need to visit the train counter. 
  • Booked train ticket from Kawaguchiko Station to Shinjuku Station (Tokyo) @ Klook for 28 USD
  • Make sure to print your ticket and present it at the gate or train entrance.
  • We boarded the JR Train Fuji Excursion bound for Shinjuku. Take note Shinjuku Station is a big train station in Tokyo so getting lost is inevitable, from there we took a local train to Tokyo Station.

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train

Get some Snacks for the Train Ride

Remember to grab some snacks since there is no entertainment onboard the train. Alternatively, you can catch up on some much-needed rest. We made sure to get snacks before getting on the train, especially important when traveling with a toddler.

Where to buy snacks before boarding the train:
  • Fujiyama Cafe (inside Kawaguchiko Station)
  • Gateway Fujiyama Lake Kawaguchiko Station (grocery store inside Kawaguchiko Station)
  • Lawson & 7’11: Both stores are within walking distance from the station.

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train

JR Train Fuji Excursion to Shinjuko Train Station

  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Food is allowed and can be consumed on the train.
  • Charging stations are available at the seats.
  • Enjoy free Wi-Fi during the journey.

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train
Try to book your seat closer to the luggage compartment for easy access, especially for families traveling with kids.

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train
Clean and spacious seats inside the train.

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train
Spacious and oh-soo clean bathroom amenities.

Learn from Our Mistake

Avoid using the mesh pockets in front of you to prevent leaving items behind on the JR train. We mistakenly left our printed ticket there, which complicated things when asking for directions from the train staff. Even if you have your email confirmation on your phone, even if it's in Japanese, even if you can speak some Japanese, not having the printed ticket can create challenges.

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train

Arrival: Shinjuku Station

The Search for the Chuo Line

Shinjuku station holds the title of the world's busiest railway station, it has the train lines that link central Tokyo to its neighboring suburban cities. Picture that crowd and the diverse mix of passengers navigating in various directions. No wonder getting lost was easy, but here we go let's embrace the experience!

Stick Together at All Times

Whether it's asking for direction or a quick bathroom break, take turns waiting outside. The station is big, and now you're in the city where people are always in a rush. It's unlikely that someone will stop to assist you in this bustling environment.

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train
We didn’t expect the challenge of finding our way around the train station.

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train
We used Google translate on our phones to find our platform as not all the signs are in English. It was a difficult time especially traveling with a tired toddler at night. 

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train
We thought Tokyo is tourist friendly however most of the signs were in Japanese and no one seemed to noticed that we were lost. When my husband tried to asked the train staff for directions they seemed reluctant to show us the way.

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train
We arrived at Shinjuku Train Station at night. For dining options, Sozai is open until 8:30 pm, offering discounted meals. 

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train
There is also a supermarket where you can find onigiri and drinks to satisfy your hunger.

Getting Lost

Many signs are in Japanese with only a few in English, making it challenging to navigate. Perhaps tiredness, a crying baby, the bustling crowd, or a combination of factors contributed to feeling lost. Traveling with a child at night in winter shifts the experience from an adventure to a less enjoyable experience. It's interesting how perspectives change when journeying with a little one compared to traveling solo.

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train

From Shinjuku Station to Tokyo Station

We were just a few stops away from Tokyo Station and I couldn't be happier. At the Tokyo train station, we got some sushi on the go at a discounted price and meals on the go at a convenience store named NewDays. It's like a 7'11 in Japan offering a good selection of food, snacks and merchandise.

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train
What a relief when we finally got to board the train to Tokyo Station. 

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train
After getting off at Tokyo Station, we had to pay a minimal amount for the ticket difference for some reason. Then, we walked around 10 minutes to reach our hotel.

Kawaguchiko Station to Tokyo by Train

Where to Stay in Tokyo: Less Crowded Area

Check-in: Hotel Yaenomidori Tokyo
  • Address: 2 Chome-13-1 Hatchobori, Chuo City, Tokyo 104 - 0032, Japan
  • Phone: +81 3-6263-2020
  • Feb 4-6: 3 days 2 nights
  • Price 34,916 JPY or 231 USD (with breakfast)

Kawaguchiko to Tokyo

Unique Breakfast Experience 

We chose the quieter side of Tokyo by selecting Chuo City and discovering a hidden gem of a hotel. What sets this hotel apart is its special breakfast offering – a traditional Japanese seafood meal complete with a meal guide to help you savor the flavors in perfect balance. Despite the compact room size, its minimalistic design provided a well-balanced use of space. Situated just a short walk from Tokyo Station, it was ideal for exploring various food options, shopping, and even a visit to the nearby Pokémon Center.

Have fun and be safe ^__^

Where am I going next?
For my next adventure, we're off to Nassau, Bahamas! With summer in full swing and fantastic weather, we're all set to enjoy the sunshine.

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